Dear Ex, LETTER OF APOLOGY An apology letter for all the pain I've caused you, and for not being the kind of man you wanted me to be. I do hope you are breathing fine and I hope you're enjoying your life better without me. I apologize for not being the kind of guy you needed me to be, I'm sorry my income could not match up with your expensive class and style, I'm sorry I'm not as extravagant and flashy as your friends' boyfriends, I'm sorry I cannot afford to give you 20K to fix your hair every two weeks, I'm sorry my career growth isn't at the pace you expect, I'm sorry I have to complain many times that I don't have money, I'm sorry that I prioritize investing in my future above the daily pleasures and gratifications, I'm sorry your friends think I am low class and not good enough for you, I'm sorry that I cannot do what your friends' boyfriends are doing to spend money on them the way they do, I'm sorry I do no...