Dear Ex, 


An apology letter for all the pain I've caused you, and for not being the kind of man you wanted me to be.

I do hope you are breathing fine and I hope you're enjoying your life better without me.

I apologize for not being the kind of guy you needed me to be, 

I'm sorry my income could not match up with your expensive class and style, 

I'm sorry I'm not as extravagant and flashy as your friends' boyfriends, 

I'm sorry I cannot afford to give you 20K to fix your hair every two weeks, 

I'm sorry my career growth isn't at the pace you expect, 

I'm sorry I have to complain many times that I don't have money,

I'm sorry that I prioritize investing in my future above the daily pleasures and gratifications, 

I'm sorry your friends think I am low class and not good enough for you, 

I'm sorry that I cannot do what your friends' boyfriends are doing to spend money on them the way they do, 

I'm sorry I do not allow the pressure of making money to push me into doing illegal stuff, 

I'm sorry I turned deaf ears to your countless advice on being 'street smart' and stepping up my money game, 

I'm sorry that my conscience is too strong to allow me to do 'whatever' it takes to get money and make you happy as you suggested,

I'm sorry that my genuine care and affection are not enough to show that I truly love you, 

I'm sorry that the financial worth of my thoughtful gifts and surprises isn't enough to impress you, 

I'm sorry that my belief that things are going to change someday contradicts your ideology that if things will change it would already have, 

I'm sorry for all the times I've doubted you and questioned your loyalty by asking where you got your money from. 

I'm sorry that I always doubt it when you say you love me but act otherwise, 

I'm sorry for being so stupid as to advise you to be careful of those you call friends, 

I'm sorry I told you how I felt about your outing that night, 

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you exactly what I saw that made me suggest that you stay at home, 

I'm sorry that I gave up too soon when you insisted on going,  

I'm sorry that I couldn't go with you that night because I couldn't afford the lifestyle, 

I'm sorry that none of your friends had your back when everything went loud and scary, 

I'm sorry that your friends sought to save themselves without thinking about you, 

I'm sorry you got caught up in this mess because your friends sold you out, 

I'm sorry your friends got bail but you didn't, 

I'm sorry you are deeply hurt because you now realize they were not good people, 

I'm sorry you had to realize that I was right all along, 

I'm sorry you had to bear the consequences of a crime you didn't commit, 

I'm sorry he tricked you into believing he was better, and

I'm sorry he left you without looking back.  

I'm sorry you had to learn your lesson the hard way, and I'm sorry you've lost everything. 

I want you to know that even though no one else believes you, I do. 

 I know you're innocent and I still love you; I always will, 

But dear, here's my biggest apology: I'm sorry that we cannot be together anymore. 

Yours truly,


(The guy who loved you with all he's got)



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