Today I want to talk to you about the power of your mind.

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the five senses. It is a creative ability that can be learned. The mind can create a mental picture of something that has happened or is yet to happen. The beautiful thing is that with your imagination you can travel anywhere in the world with the speed of light without any obstacles; it can take you to the Future.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” -Albert Einstein.

What is imagination, is it the same as daydreaming?

Imagination and daydreaming are quite similar but here are the differences. Spending the entire day thinking of something impossible is daydreaming but thinking about an idea and then collecting facts to make it a reality is imagination. Daydreaming invites failure but imagination is the first step towards success.

When you are imagining, there is a sense of aliveness and excitement about that thing you are imagining. You are not thinking about unrealistic things like flying, floating, waking up in a room full of money, being taller than you are, or being a different age than you are. Your imagining has some basis in reality – even if it might take a while to accomplish. Wilbur and Oliver Wright imagined flying a plane way before anyone thought it was possible. But being younger than you are is not possible – you are the age you are and you can't go back.

Your life is created by your thoughts because you become what you think. So, what imagination does is that it strengthens your creative abilities and helps you to shape your own life. Imagination is so real it can trigger all the five senses, feelings, emotions, and sensations, and with imaginations, you can make your heart desires come true. If you can see it you can have it. You can't capture what you don't picture. 

"...for as he thinks in his heart so is he." -Proverbs 23:7

Imagination is not an abnormal or mysterious spiritual thing, no! We use our imagination all the time. We use it when we plan for events, when we make clothes, read books, or watch movies. You are a product of your thought. Thoughts are very powerful, they provoke action. This is why we ought to be careful about what we feed our minds.

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Now, daydreaming is a form of imagination, but often it is from the wounded self and is an addictive way to avoid feelings. This kind of daydreaming does not lead to creative manifestation. If as a person you are daydreaming about finding money in a bag on a lonely path or waking up with some superpower flying around the world saving people, you are being unrealistic and that is a waste of time. Daydreaming is good but if you're not doing it right you might become addicted and become idle. I used to daydream a lot, but now I have learned the right way to do it. I don't think about unrealistic things, rather I think about my dreams and vision and where I see myself in the years to come. I think about the things that God has said concerning me- his promises. I imagine what it is going to look like living my dreams and this fires me up and motivates me to find creative ways to ensure I keep working towards my dreams.

So the question is, do you have a thinking time? A time where you just lay quietly and allow your mind to explore. If you don't, I think you should. Go somewhere quiet and use your mind.

Nothing changes on its own. Every change is consciously effected and no change takes place without thought. The thought gives birth to a decision and the decision leads to action, which eventually becomes manifestation. 

"When you stop thinking you start stinking,"  -Bishop David Oyedepo.
The mind sets the pace for everything a person will achieve in life. You don't start complaining or crying when your life or business is not progressing you just have to think your way through it. The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life. Your future is as beautiful as your imaginations.

Sit down and ask yourself, where am I going, who am I, what is my target, which direction am I going, how do I get there, when do I need to get there, and what do I need to get there? The mind is a very powerful instrument and you must use it to your advantage. You find a solution to problems when you spend time thinking, for there is no problem without a solution. So, sit down and think. 

"And now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined doing." -Genesis 11:1-6 
If you can't stop a man from thinking success you won't be able to stop him from speaking, acting, and eventually enjoying success. You say what you think and what you say is what you will get. Every battle in life is either won or lost first in the mind so until you stop thinking success you won't stop succeeding.

Use your imagination to your advantage, it is a gift given by God.

See you again soon.😊


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