DON'T DESPISE PROCESS (You need to trust the process)

I recall this story I heard many years ago about a man who acquired a new property in an old residential area. The house was surrounded by very tall trees which provided shade to the compound but was also an abode for birds. The man hated the sound of the birds chirping both day and night so he hired some people to cut down all the trees.

After cutting the trees, he was glad that the birds had flown away but then he realized that the log was taking so much space so he started thinking of a way to dispose them. One day, a young man was passing by his house and saw the woods in the compound so he knocked on his door and asked to buy some. The man didn't hesitate. He told the young man, I dont need the money, just pay what you can afford.” So the young man paid #6,000 for about 25 log of wood and left joyfully.
He came back the next day with a pick-up truck to carry the woods. As the young man and driver were struggling to lift the log in the truck, the house owner saw how much stress they were going through so he rolled his sleeves and joined them in carrying. Afterwards, he told the young man to carry the rest of the log too, "you can carry everything, I dont need them. They are just occupying space." He said.  The young man thanked him for his generosity and went away.

About a year after, the man had completed his work on the house and has settled in with his family. One day his wife was coming home from a long journey and admired some set of furniture displayed in front of a small building. She parked her car and enquired about the beautiful furniture. She paid a huge sum for the set of furniture because they were beautiful and skillfully furnished. 
The furniture didn't fit into the her car so the carpenter loaded them in his truck and drove after the her. Getting to the house, the carpenter was surprised when he found himself in that compound. "I know the Oga that lives here" he said, but just before he landed, the man came out of the house to welcome his wife and saw him.

The young man greeted the husband, introduced himself and thanked him again for his generosity. The young man told the husband of how he had processed the wood and furnished them into beautiful sets of furniture. When the wife got to know of how his husband gave out the log of woods, she became angry and called his husband a fool for having to let her buy the same thing he gave for free at such a huge amount.

I shared this story with you to help you understand the importance of PROCESS. A wood that seems useless today can become the Presidents seat tomorrow.
When you subject yourself to skillful sharpening and training, your value will increase. The training may be painful, but at the end your value is increased. Like those wood, people may not see the value you bring to the table now but its only a matter of time. By the time you emerge, you're going to be the talk of the town. It may seem like you arrived late, but my friend, the truth is- you arrived late to be the latest.


Let me share a piece with you. It was written by my spiritual father, Pastor Muyiwa Areo, Lead Pastor, Citizens of Light Church. It further explains this message.

For fear of pain the wood refused to go to the mill, ran from the nails, mocked at the Carpenters and never ended in the show room of destiny but spent the rest of its life lying on the forest floor being eaten away by merciless termites... oh the cost of hesitation!!!

For fear of heat the seed refused to be buried, ran from the darkness that was to follow, avoided the Farmer and never became a forest, died a slow painful death of loneliness in the hand of rot and unforgiving beetles...oh the cost of hesitation!!!

For fear of cuts the diamond refused to be found, escaped the blades of Jewelers and never made it to the crown of the queen... stayed submerged in the belly of the dust and laid in utter darkness and oblivion... away from the whaoooo of men... oh the cost of hesitation!!!

For fear of dizziness the clay stayed away from the Potter, refused to get on the potter’s wheel and never became an amphora for precious oils... it spent the rest of its life as earth for mortals to tread on.... Oh the cost of hesitation!!!

For fear of being crushed and jailed in aging bottles, grapes forsook the Vintner and ran to the grocery shop... to be sold for nothing but a nickel, without delay and in a few days, it grew mould and ended in the trash can but the wine ended in a cellar, in the finest of bottles and the best of care. It lived for years on the best of shelves... extending its life and enjoying longevity... Oh the cost of hesitation!!!

And of you my brother... And of you my sister... may I never write of your story and end it with ''Oh, the pain of hesitation." Do it today. Do it now. Follow that vision and birth that dream. Oh, the joy of promptness!!!

Dear reader, I don't know what you are going through right now but I want you to know that everything happens for a reason. What if there was a lesson for you to learn, what if the pain, hurt and disappointments were just part of the training process? Your future self depends on you. Dont despise the process neither run away from it. Dont get too comfortable with it, it is meant to pass.

Here are a few things you should know about process:
Everyone will go through process but some will call it suffering/hardship.
- Process is good for you
- Process makes you better
- Process makes you stronger
- Process increases your value and worth
- It may not be easy but it is worth it. 

Everything worth the prize is worth the fight. If you want the prize, you cant quit at half time. Life’s challenges will try to knock you down many times, but you must not give up. Setbacks arent always negative. Sometimes, theres good in it. Dont ask why me? Ask, what can I learn? It is the hard times that reveals our true character. It shows the stuff we are made of. If you dont give up, you will be rewarded. Maybe not immediately, but definitely.
So, dont give up. Dont give room for regrets. Dont look back to today few years from now and say, "I wish I didnt stop, I wish I endured much longer." I dont want that to happen, thats why I put this all together for you. I want YOU to look back with pride and say, "Yes! I did it. It wasnt easy but I didnt give up. I didnt give up on my dreams."

Keep going friend. Tobatalks doesnt know how you feel, but your future self needs you to hold on. So please sir/ma ENDURE THE PROCESS!

You can always talk to me, if you need someone to talk to. You can reach me on +2348164919722 I am your partner in progress. 


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