What can you think of that doesn't have, at least, an intricate value of it's own?

Among the numerousity of every living(as well as non-living) creature on Earth, there is not a single one that is worthless. You will agree with me, that to have a life is to have a worth --- there is a value attached. And evidently, as many of us will believe, we are all categorically a valuable part of the constitutes of creation. Matter of fact, nothing ever exists, being created, to be tossed uselessly around with no designated value.

We are all blessed with the gift of life and with amazing characteristics. We possess value, intricate, that are unique and special. And It will be adorable if, with a sense of self-recognition, we can connect with our intricate value and worth.

However, many are no longer in synchrony with the devinity of their self-worth and sense of importance; and apparently, as nature would have it, the cause of the shift stems out of the rumpleness of their lives' journey --- the  distress, discontent and shambles that they face due to their own poor navigation; and the shoving force that sends  them shivering to the unfavorable side of the equilibrium. For some other people, the reason behind the alteration of their worth is simply that they don't actually know what they are worth.

No matter the innocence that we might feel, it can be so hard to retain our intricate value and worth amidst the trouble that besets the heart.

It's so sad that sometimes we fail to acknowledge the uniqueness of our being; and often resort, with envy and jealousy, to the dirtiness of imitating and comparing ourself with others.

But mind you, we shouldn't allow our self-worth to be obliterated by the unfavorable circumstances and distress that looms over us. It's not worth it. You can take charge and redeem yourself.

Here are five steps you can take to recupurate your self-worth:

1.) Get rid of your doubts: The most debilitating act that can warp our self-worth is self-doubt. There is no gainsaying that doubt, self-doubt, is a ruthless impediment to our being --- even to our progress and worth. Doubting yourself --- your usefulness and abilities --- is the worst and most dangerous tool for self-sabotage that there is. You don't want to lay hold of that tool do you? You can't afford it and it's not worth it.

If you are willing to take charge and recupurate, you need to get rid of the doubts that has cloven to the walls of your heart; Put them aside and avoid them at all cost.

2.) Stop the comparison: Another thing that should be dealt with in recupurating one's worth is comparison. Comparison is tantamount to erasing yourself from the surface of the earth. It is an extremely despicable and tragic thing you'd ever bargain for, right? It blinds and wander you away from the true value of your worth.

Everyone can never be the same; it will be illogical to think otherwise. A lot of people are better than you in some ways and you don't need to beat yourself up about it. The sweet fact though, and the truth, is that they can never be you!

"Happiness is found when you stop comparing your self to other people," so why would you deprive yourself of your happiness?

Because your neighbor has 20$ doesn't make useless the 10$ that you have. Make use of what you have, be happy, strive to grow and be better. Trust me, comparison wont help you at all. Stop the god-forsaken comparison right now.

3.) Take responsibility for your actions: Your actions, and it's intensity, determines your result --- and your self-worth. Every action you take has a certain influence on you and on everything around you.

If your actions speak bad of you, take ownership of it. How? By learning to take note and correct them; by learning to stop those act; by learning to say 'never again' and by learning to be true to your self. Stop carrying your bad attitudes and baggages around. If, perhaps, your actions come out rightly, and are fulfilling, learn to appreciate them. Acknowledge your good deeds, groom them, and build the enthusiasm to do more.

Don't feel bad if you do things badly. Taking responsibility for your actions means that you actively turn around your dispositions and your proclivity for good; learning to appreciate the ones that come out right, and correcting the ones that are bizzare.

Your action is a large determinant of your worth. Take responsibility for them and get them right.

4.) Help others in whatever way you can: Helping others brings to you a sense of importance. It brings to you equal(or even more) happiness and satisfaction as it does to those at the receiving end --- whom you offer help.

Volunteer to help others in anyway that you can. It might be as little as meeting someone else's need; a little act of service; helping those that are ill or those who are handicapped; showing genuine love to others; helping them grow; sharing the little knowledge that you have; showing kindness. All these, and more, go a long way in improving your self-worth and your sense of importance.

Try as much as possible to be a helper in whatever way you can. Help youself by helping others.

5.) Invest in yourself: Yes, if you want to augment your value and your worth, you need to invest in yourself. Asides from the fact that this makes you a better person, it also enhance your inner source(your worth) and provides supplications with which you can use to help those around you. Learn something new everyday, or, at least, be enthusiastic about learning something new. Read books that will leave a lasting transformation in your life. Learn that skill you've always admired. Learn to break that bad habit. Of course no one is perfect, but you can learn to be perfect in the best possible way that you can. Know who you are; make discovery about yourself; and strive to be a better version of yourself.

Investing in yourself will definitely yield and help you to recupurate a great deal of self-worth.

In conclusion, there is a purpose why we are here on this planet; and trust me we are all worthy of being here. We are all precious gems; unique and special. Start believing that you are a worthy being. God made you because he knows that you are worthy of having life, that fact alone is enough to quench that burning sensation of unworthiness that is lurking inside of you. So i urge you right now that you start recupurating your self-worth.

Bless your heart ❤️



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