In grid view, it's quite a natural course that there are recurring number of situation that uarises -- subject to some intermittent timing -- that require of us to be domineering and self consistent; to assert ultimate control and to keep our self-identity in a healthy state. But just as a game of survival and existence, we are built with manifold of emotions that are sometimes exhausting to contend with. Therefore, it is a given that our existence is encompassed with nexus of possible up's and down's, with each of the given factor for existence being a necessity, so to speak.

However, we respond differently with every given situation giving the fact that we are simply different. But funnily enough, exclusive to the unpleasant and adverse of situations and regardless of our existing polarization, we all naturally tend to go blank with the thoughts of not being sure of how to handle and gain steady control. And just as due, we also tend to respond similarly with a shrink in our self-identity.

These situations do not necessarily have to be the typical daunting or critical ones before they could outrightly evoke fear, inferiority or incapacity. In actual fact, they could be as little as being turned down of a business proposal that you've personally deemed as strategic and plausible; being neglected, short changed, and even a situation involving the slightest occurrence of failure or mistakes that are probably inevitable.

And in these shambolic state of one's identity, negativity begins to set in; negative thoughts, negative perceptions; "Would i make it through?", "This isn't going to work out", "I'm not good enough", "Given this situation, I'll never make it through"... These negative thoughts could be devastating and could gradually lead to a  diminish in the level of gumption that we have, and ultimately in our overall self-identity.

For a moment of goodness we should dare to ruminate on how possible it is to radically address these issue; how possible it is to get things back in good shape and subsequently building positivity; whether these unpleasant end-points/situations are avoidable; whether they can be countered and fought against; whether there is a correction we have to make.

Of course, possibility is never far-fetched, and positivity can always be attained. And this brings us to the idea of positive affirmation.

When the power of positive affirmation is utilized, there is every possiblity of betterment in our personal existence. And to deduce logically, there is every possibility that when things are going wrongly or even before they start to go wrongly -- regarding the unpleasant and adverse situations we face -- we can counter every negativity and avoid self-sabotage, we can correct and strengthen our self-identity, and ultimately we can emanate an aura of positivity.

Consistent utterance of Positive phrases, repeating them to yourself, describing specific outcomes that you want for yourself, describing who you want to be and how you want to feel regardless of how true they actually are. That is the art of positive affirmation. And when used consistently, they could transform into reality in your life.

Take a moment and say these to yourself with some sincerity.

  • I believe in myself
  • I trust and have confidence in my self
  • I learn from my mistakes
  • I know I'm accomplishing anything i set my mind to
  • I forgive myself for not being perfect because i know I'm human
  • I respect myself
  • I'm unique
  • I focus on the positive

Chances are you probably feel stronger instantaneously after saying these affirmations. And yes, that exactly is the power of positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are curative and can help to strengthen and substantiate your self-identity. Like a mantra that illuminates the soul, they bring you into the fascinating positives of life.

In conjunction with the idea of positive affirmation is the question of, how can we build an aura of positivity around us regardless of how we feel and the situations we face on a daily basis? Well, some of these might be malleable.

Here are 5 ways you can build an aura of positivity.


There is really no way you'd be able to break negativity without first changing the way you think. Sometimes our thoughts -- both conscious and unconscious -- are the major determinant of our reality; and at the point where we begin to believe what we think, it becomes no longer a determinant but the reality itself.

Have you ever encountered something mischievous or unpleasant in a blip, and you go like "i knew it! I knew this would happen!"? If yes -- which i think is true for the majority -- you should know that these things do not always happen merely by chance but largely by your thoughts about them. So why not direct a nicer percentage of your thoughts toward the positive aspects of life and events?

Yes there is a place of instinct which is great. Your instinct tells you what might happen, what might go wrong or right. But relatively, your instincts are also largely influenced by your thoughts too.

When you think positively, it reflects on what happens around you.

Your thoughts are very important and very key in generating the aura of poitivity around you. So start getting involved -- intentionally -- with positive thinking.


Be ethical, be honest, be honourable, be principled, be scrupulous. Put on positive characters and positive qualities.

Have you thought of how great you could feel imbibing those qualities? How much of positivity that being conscientious could amount to?

Very much! Knowing what is expected of you and going all out to get it done is one thing that could demonstrate the height of your sense of responsibility. And as you conform to the dictates of your conscience, as pure as they naturally are, you could as well be letting flow the stream of inner peace, and consequently, you emanate the aura of positivity right from within.

You don't put on a loose disgusting and tattered garment and expect to be welcomed to the seat of dignitary, do you?

Your character needs to be aright and positive for you to even anticipate positivity around you.


Your validity is extremely paramount and particularly important for your freedom to be guaranteed. But how do you ensure your validity is an uninterrupted certainty? By doing it your self! This is called self-validation, and it is undoubtedly the motivation of positivity and positive thinking.

Thinking positively about your self, thinking positively about your abilities, getting rid of doubts, being the first to appraise and entitle yourself to rewards, saying yes to what you stand for, saying yes to what you believe in. All these and more are examples of self-validation.

You don't need to subjugate your self to the opinions of others. You don't need to dwell on their opinions for your validity.

Look into the mirror and tell it to your self "i will make a great contestant in that audition", "i will sound delectable in front of the audience", "I did perfectly well", "I did better than yesterday", "I think I'm going well enough"...

Validate your self, reward yourself, and you will be surprise just how much of positivity could come out of that.


The reason why most people are negative is probably because they haven't learn to be an optimist. They say things like "that plan is perfect, but it wouldn't be possible to execute" or funny things like "that ship is beautiful and adorable but what if it sinks"... Like really? Why not see the brighter picture of life without having to preposterously speculate morbid occurrences? Those are probably the least in the pan of possible outcomes!

In an optimistic point of view, anything that could possibly go right will go right! And yes, you have to start thinking and viewing things that way too.

Hold on a second, what can you possibly lose by expecting good things to happen? The most is that your expectation might fail you sometimes. But goodness gracious! Out of the numerousity of our expectations a manifested one is worth a million! Now think of how many could possibly come true. So logically, there is really nothing to lose, Like really.

But just as there are two sides to a coin, there is the other side of optimism that you consciously should take into consideration. Be REALISTIC! Yes you heard it right.


Yes we've talked a little on positive affirmations in previous section of this article, but believe me, it's worth it. Positive self-affirmation is scientifically and practically the most effective way of building the aura of positivity.

Affirming what you want to achieve, affirming what you want to be, affirming and controlling the way you want to feel regardless of the situation that is going on around you, and pretty much talking yourself into being the you that exists in your imagination, but of course, in a positive, reflective sense. This works enormously to the invention of a positive and a better you.

To build an aura of positivity you definitely need to consider practicing positive self-affirmation; not just because it is effective but because it is emotionally curative, and much more interestingly, the resulting positivity that comes out of it is glorious.

In synopsis, being positive is a decision you have to make. The state of your radiation as to whether positive or negative all boils down to your way of thinking; and are contingent upon your mind-set.

Do you have a winning mindset? I believe you do.

So go out there and start being positive.

Keep learning, stay strong, radiate the beauty that lies within you, and above all, be thankful.

Bless your heart ❤️


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