
Showing posts from October, 2020
  WE ARE ALL A BUNCH OF PRETENDERS Dear reader, would you classify yourself as someone who is always real or as a faker? What I mean is, do you try to be “this person” to this person and “that person” to another or your lifestyle is consistent? Will Mr. A, B, C, D, and E describe you as an outgoing person, a giver and one who likes to help others or they will come up with a different description of you? It’s up to you to answer the question honestly. The concern is: Why don’t we ever try to be real? Like, say things the way they are, show ourselves the way we are, and let the world see us for who we really are. Why do we give a shit about people so much that we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to be real? You try not to air your opinions because people may say your view is different, you decide not to buttress a point because they may say “you talk too much. You don’t want to wear this dress because people may think this and that…”  How many times do we fake a smile for a
  MANNERS MAKETH MAN You are probably familiar with those words. I heard them myself some years ago while I was watching the movie:  Kingsman The secret service.  Anyway, that's not the discussion for today. Today's subject has been on my mind for a long time but I usually don't like talking about subjects around Love, dating, and relationships. I have my reasons sha. But today, I have decided to share a very vital lesson with you. I hope you get value from it and share after reading.  It amazes me to see how with our words we set our own world ablaze. We light our world (experience) on fire with our tongue. Ignorance being a major factor and of course, the "I don't care and I no send attitude." The attitude that boasts in its weakness as a strength. When you hear someone say, "I no sabi talk o, I rude gan. Mo baje, I can say anything cos I no send." Those are the people I'm referring to.I hope you're not one of them? 😒 Dear Ladies, let